Thursday, 10 October 2013

Class notes - Tuesday 8th October 2013

Stock Characters in V for Vendetta
Girl next door = Evey
Mad scientist = Delia
Town Bullies = Fingermen, Creedy and the Voice of London
Whiskey Priest = the Bishop
Hardboiled Detective = Finch

Representation in V for Vendetta
-In the beginning of the film, Evey conforms to the female stereotype of being fragile, long-haired, attractive and vulnerable, but when she gets kidnapped, put in the mock-prison and has her hair shaved, she takes on masculine characteristics. She no longer cares what people do to her and refuses to show her emotions

-V is a male character with feminine traits; a long haired wig, a mask with make-up and has hobbies that include music and dancing.
-Marxism; the media is biased and the people of society don't question propaganda. Becuase people are so social obedient, V takes advantage of this power and manipulates the people with his broadcasting message

-People are "banned" from having their own identity
-The masks in the final scene make everyone gender neutral. When parliament is blown up and the people take off their masks, it's a representation that they're taking off the garment that unites them all and makes them alike. In taking off the masks, they're revealing their own identity and finally having the freedom to be their own individual person - no longer enslaved to conform to right wing ideas and regulations.

Pro-creation - the fatherland
-Fatherhood, pro-creation and fascism are re-occurring themes in V for Vendetta
-Example: the experimentation at Larkhill detention center, the government were trying to create the "perfect race". Links to Eugenics in Nazi Germany
-Example: chancellor is on every television and his Norsefire flag/symbol is in every home - people look up to him. Link to the Tsar in Russia being a father figure for the people
-Chancellor Sutler plays a fatherly figure to London; leading them into a new era (fascism), giving them orders and discipline and metaphorically (and physically via the "emergency channel") being the head of every household

-V plays a fatherly figure to Evey throughout the film.

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