21st Century Developments Name: ____Priscilla Nash__________________________
Fill in the circle beside the correct answer
1. What genres Films does 3D suit?
Action Blockbusters - made the film look more dynamic and effective. Created spectacle
2. Did the UK digital cinema network succeed in exposing audiences to more varied types of films?
Independent films were being shown in cinemas which were giving audiences a larger variety of choice
3. Why has the film industry lost money from cinema attendance since 2000?
broadband internet distribution
illegal piracy
Films being leaked online is the start of online piracy, this allows audiences to watch films at home and not go out to the cinema for entertainment. This creates a decline in cinema attendance which yields the loss of money.
4. Is 3D successful in getting audiences back in the cinema?
It gives audiences the illusion of a new experience by the special effects used. it also hinders piracy because 3D films cannot be pirated and downloaded illegally
5. Does 3D have a negative impact on film production?
Yes because 3D results in 30% colour loss, the quality of the film could be distorted and the special effects sometimes do not come off as well.
6. Which directors support 3D in their productions?
James Cameron - Avatar (heavily reliant on 3D)
Martin Scorcese - Hugo
7. What reasons were given by the FBI shutting down Megaupload?
Breaching intellectual property copyright
8. How has film distribution online/digital cinema helped Indie films get exhibited?
Online through Netflix
Cheaper to get into cinemas
Harder to pirate