Tuesday, 4 March 2014

The Walking Dead Movie

A-Lister: Andrew Lincoln

Spectacle: The society of the film is in reverse; it's the zombies who are seen as normality and the humans who are inferior. The zombies 

Set piece: The humans are the ones who are struggling for survival


  1. This idea relates to the characteristics of a Hollywood Blockbuster by appealing to a pre-sold franchise of the television series "The Walking Dead". The characteristics of being a hollywood Blockbuster are also met by having a star in the film (Andrew Lincoln, who is already the main character in the television series) so that the audience will have an actor that they recognise which will draw in a wider audience. There are parts of this "The Walking Dead Movie" which will be heavily dominated by CGI and special effects due to the large-scale zombie fights that will occur. This film also has global appeal and classic hollywood narrative with the theme of humans vs other species.

  2. Pre-sold franchise
    social context- people already know this franchise from television. It already has an demographic and a following from it's existing show. The fangroup would be excited to watch it. Also the threat of television and the internet affects the popularity of the cinema so by using a tv show, they will use that existing popularity to attract people to the cinema.

    technological context- the tv show going from tv show to cinema provides a new platform for the film to be shown. It would attract audiences by going 3d or being on imax. It would also have a bigger budget so the CGI would be better.

    CGI/Special effects
    technological context
    - lots of CGI and special effects would be used to make the film a spectacle and appeal to audiences. By choosing a style over spectacle approach, the film attracts an wider audience. the jump up from tv to film also provides the film a bigger budget, making the money available for CGI.

    Global appeal
    -economic context
    the film needs to be able to attract worldwide audiences. The stereotype of a zombie film appeals on a worldwide scale as a classic hollywood narrative. The reason for this is so that the film makes money and makes going to the cinema worth it for the viewer.
